ryan fitzgibbon

Workshop: Lessons from Building community at Instagram and Hello Mr.

Ryan Fitzgibbon is the founder and creative director of Hello Mr., a magazine about men who date men.

He began his career as a graphic design intern at People Design in Grand Rapids, MI. In 2009, he moved to San Francisco where he spent the ensuing three years as a communication designer at the global design consultancy, IDEO and as co-chair of communications for AIGA San Francisco, the professional association for design.

In early 2012, inspired by his experience developing local and global initiatives, he decided to pack up and move to Australia, a place he felt could best encourage him to combine his love of traveling, publication design, and...well...men, of course, in the creation of Hello Mr. His aim in sharing the stories of individuals around the world, is to create an opportunity for a misrepresented generation of gay men to rebrand themselves in the eye of the media. He is now based in Brooklyn, NY.

Contact him 
twitter / instagram